Author Mike Hobart shows fiat currencies inevitably edify sociopathy--an accelerating do-loop into Mugabe-ism (all in the guise of social beneficence, "doing what's best for 'my people'")

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 2 months ago to Government
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An excerpt:
"Simply possessing the desire to succeed does not automatically make one a sociopath. Sociopaths hold no stock in empathy or valuing of human life, let alone working to avoid the suffering of others. Any system that provides a capability to achieve greater levels of power over their peers will attract sociopaths of every make and model. The greater the honeypot of power; the greater the sociopathic magnet. There is no getting around this reality."

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
    Two things to take away from this article:

    1) "The greater the honeypot of power; the greater the sociopathic magnet. There is no getting around this reality."

    That is, big government (whether or not it is called government) has always been the problem.
    This is why the Deep State wants a world government, digital currency, and New World Order.
    Therefore, centralized, powerful government must go. Power corrupts every organization by attracting sociopaths.

    2) Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged already explained this in some detail.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      👍 Yes, AR did show this in Atlas Shrugged--it was a central theme.

      The argument could also be made that the institution of government, in itself, tends to attract sociopaths. But Hobart makes the point that once government currency becomes fiat in nature (divorced from real commodity values and subject to whim alone), the attraction becomes extreme--and by implication terminal.

      Fiat currencies always end in a death spiral. Ours is just taking a bit longer as it had a stronger reputation to destroy. The sociopaths (like flies to a corpse) are already in place in the form of the "deep state."
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