Happy Earth Day~~Or Else!

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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We are from all things Green Energy and we are here to help you.
Please, get used to being poorer or we are all gonna die!
And if you refuse, everyone dying will be all your fault.
Then we who are your betters shall cancel you.
We will even tell everyone that you are a racist.
SOURCE URL: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/catherinesalgado/2023/04/22/happy-earth-day-green-energy-is-toxic-inefficient-and-unprofitable-n1689261?bcid=05d1a739b5cb22081b4998bfd6b1a09c16bd154683993faaa74af1fe7b4ebe4b&recip=21068261

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    Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    Yeah, tell me about it. Not far from where I live the hillsides have been stripped of their beautiful trees and wind farms set up, which sit idle most of the time. There was a time when folks would make the journey through the area in the fall just to see the amazing colors. Now they get to see dead white windmills and bare land covered with scrub. A bit of a distance north of that where the land is flatter we're seeing meadows and cornfields being replaced with black plastic and glass solar farms. They are huge and covered with snow a good part of the year. All subsidized by the state, of course. Somebody is making a fortune (China?), but it ain't us!
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    • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
      True story. I used to live in Montana and would occasionally drive through the windiest place in the Continental US: Judith Gap. There is a huge wind farm erected there with hundreds upon hundreds of turbines. But if you go through, you'll only find about 1/4 operating. Why?

      I happened to be sitting on a plane one time next to a wind turbine maintenance tech who lived in Missouri but would be flown out on a regular basis to try to fix many of the broken turbines operating in Judith Gap. The problem according to the tech was that the turbines were engineered in France. Now it's not necessarily that French engineers are to blame, but the turbines were metallurgically engineered for a temperate climate with an operating temperature range of about 40 degrees C.

      Guess what the average annual temperature swing was in Judith Gap? -40 C (-40 F) to 110 F (40 F) or twice what the turbines can handle metallurgically. Here's the other really nasty part: Judith Gap is in an area in Montana which sees regular and quite extreme temperature fluctuations brought by wind currents called chinooks. Unless something has changed, Judith Gap holds the US record for largest temperature change in shortest amount of time: >110 F in four hours, i.e. it went from -45 F to 75 F in four hours.

      [shakes head]
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
        That problem may be why there are so many apparently dead windmills here as well. -20F in the winter is no big deal and +90F in the summer is no big deal, either. 40F swings in any given day is also no big deal. Ice storms are also common from late October to April and I hear iced over blades don't work very well - hah.

        I guess Martha's Vineyard is an ideal place for said contraptions, but for some "strange reason" they are forbidden in the area. Probably for the same reason illegal immigrants are sent away faster than Florida can send them.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
        Here's the second part of the stupidity. I once calculated out how long a turbine would have to operate in order to pay back it's 1/2 million cost (at current market prices) and was shocked to find that it would exceed the operational life of the turbine itself!

        Wind turbines are a joke that we - as taxpayers - are funding. I'm not laughing.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 1 month ago
    F’m! I’ve lived long enough and accomplished enough, even if it was a delusion, to give a damn. My regret is putting life on this rock that must live through this violation.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 1 month ago
      Yeah, I've grown kids and grandchildren and a whole lot of nieces.
      One grown niece with a one-year-old girl of her own is my only lib brother's daughter.
      Was emailed a photo of my lib brother posing with his granddaughter.
      Didn't care to see that he grew his protesting the late Sixties beard back. Bet he's as green as The Jolly Green Giant.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 1 year, 1 month ago
    I started a tradition a number of years ago for celebrating Earth Day. I go out on Saturday afternoon, gas up my car, and drive the 60 mile I-465 loop around Indianapolis first in one direction, then the other. Before I go home, I gas up my car again.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 1 month ago
      Me dino will usually take at least a 30-minute drive every late afternoon on days I don't have an appointment or a need to go to the grocery store.
      For one thing, there's five horses I like to look at grazing on grass in a fenced-in pasture. Except on Sundays, I check my mailbox returning home.
      That's how much I worry about Climate Change that is always changing anyways.
      Just ask the immense herds of farting dinosaurs surrounded by smoking volcanoes and the woolly mammoths of the ice ages that used to come and go.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 1 year, 1 month ago
    While driving as an otr trucker, I watched the landscape change from rolling hills and trees to mile upon mile of wind turbines, most of which weren't turning, and acres of solar panels in high snowfall areas. Panels blocked by snow and ice do not generate power. Turbines that don't turn, don't generate power. Minds who refuse to think generate only toxins. If I were just a bit younger, I might have been known as Donna Quixote for all the wind turbines I would have tilted...
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 1 month ago
    Indeed -- there is another phoney baloney date regarding where we are supposed to turn out all the lights...
    I found it: Earth Hour... the last Saturday of March, from 8:30 - 9:30pm local time...
    turn off all the lights and use candles... to recognize Climate Change...
    or some related pin-head nonsense.

    Instead, I have 200w lamps that I turn on in my front yard, in some trees, to celebrate invention, prosperity and the unwillingness to return to the Candle Age.
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