Israel knew!

Posted by Dobrien 6 months ago to History
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What did Israel reportedly know about the attack? Israeli officials obtained a document describing Hamas' battle plan for its October 7 terror attack more than a year before the militant group carried out the assault, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing documents, emails and interviews.
I said this a month ago and was down voted and called an anti-semite . Conspiracy theorist 17 Deniers 0
The attack was planned in plain sight. A month before the assault, Hamas posted a video to social media showing fighters using explosives to blast through a replica of the border gate, sweep in on pickup trucks and then move building by building through a full-scale reconstruction of an Israeli town, firing automatic weapons at human-silhouetted paper targets.

In the video, the militants destroyed mock-ups of the wall’s concrete towers and a communications antenna, just as they would do for real on Oct. 7.

Adding to public outrage over the military's apparent negligence, the Israeli media has reported that military officials dismissed warnings from female border spotters who warned that they were witnessing Hamas’ preparations for the attack. According to the media reports, the young women reported seeing Hamas drones and attempts to knock out Israeli border cameras in the months leading up to the attack.

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 6 months ago
    "Conspiracy theorists" are so often correct now that it is well nigh impossible to trust what you can't validate yourself.
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    • Posted by 6 months ago
      It seems much easier to trust the lying talking heads that are paid many millions to lie and lie again. Than it is to someone who actively research’s for answers and gets nothing for sharing that info. In fact often as the messenger I take derogatory slams till the truth can’t be denied. Never an apology or even recognition. Oh well no good deed goes unpunished. Go Objectivism.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 6 months ago
    Really interesting if true. This parallels America and the FBI prior to 9/11. An article in Newsweek said in part "Two days later, an instructor at Pan Am called the FBI's Minneapolis Field Office because he and other employees were suspicious of Moussaoui. The French Moroccan met none of the usual qualifications for Pan Am students. Moussaoui also told his instructor that he had no intention of obtaining a pilot's license and had no other goal, and that he wanted merely to learn how to fly a plane but not how to take off or land. The flight school immediately recognized that something was amiss. Moussaoui was arrested on immigration charges on August ...

    But the FBI? What followed was three weeks of missteps, poor judgment, bad advice, lack of attention, and just incompetence that botched one of the most prominent possibilities for uncovering the attack. "

    Was it incompetence? Or was it deep state planning with acceptable losses (to them) to advance their agenda?

    Did the Israeli government go soft on security? If so, accidentally or on purpose?
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    • Posted by 6 months ago
      Did a plane crash into the pentagon and not one scrap of evidence of a plane on site? Oh and coincidentally , Walker Bush co had the WTCenter security contract the year before the implosion.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 months ago
    Yeah. They probably knew. My buddy and I often joke how we could respond here in the Nevada Gulch to these clowns buzzing in on their motorized fabric wings. Just pull out a 40 of 357 and aim up in the sky. Haha! But, Israel had pretty much disarmed their citizens there. That's absolutely insane.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 months ago
    Hmmm, there was another time 2+thousand years ago when the men of this culture didn't believe the reports of a few young women about an important local occurrence.

    Could this example be merely about whom reported the activity or was there a deeper, more cynical motive.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 6 months ago
    I will not call you an anti-semite, but the NYT is full of self-hating Jewish anti-semites! Why are so many Jews liberals, kissing the feet of the very people who want to kill them? I don't understand.

    I'm more inclined to believe that the power structure had forgotten how enemies ignored can become stronger with time. Too much peace for too long weakened Israel's defense mentality. They got lazy, and they underestimated the very real threat around them.
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 months ago
    Known and accepted generally

    On October 7th 2023, terrorists under the name Hamas entered Israel, slaughter (including dismemberment of the living) adults, the aged and children, and take hostages back with them to Gaza. 1,400 were killed, another 220 taken hostage, at least 30 of these children.
    Extensive documentation for publicity taken by the Hamas terrorists with strap-on cameras.


    Substantial delay before official detection and reaction from authorities. Many hours.


    1- Nation taken by surprise during national holiday. Evidence of very detailed planning over two or more years with direction and money from Iran. I think, true, correct, but inadequate.

    2- As Israeli security and intelligence 'is so good the failure must be a cover up' by prime minister Netanyahu, perhaps to justify major incursion into Gaza.
    My opinion- Unlikely. Major clean out of Hamas is justified even if attack had been dealt with in 15 minutes.
    (As an aside- this is an old story- "dem jews is smart".) The attack of Oct 7 broke a cease-fire truce.

    3- I like conspiracy theories. The detection system was suppressed, communication networks were jammed. Only one entity has that ability.
    Not Hamas, not Iran. It was the gang around Biden. Reason- It makes Biden more essential for Israel, and personal enmity from Biden. I’ve not seen any proper evidence for this view but it fits current stories.

    4 - Institutional inertia. This is one of several examples, the biggest being Operation Barbarossa, where the Deepstate (the government infrastructure) does not allow bad news to pass. First the big plan, known in advance but easy to ignore as with imprecise timing, then information coming in from scouts and observation posts. The teams had seen the paragliders not as a fun sport but as disciplined training, same with other activities. There are good rumors that many of these reports were from all-women teams, hence easier to dismiss by troglodytes. No conspiracy theory needed, this has happened many times before. I prefer exp 3. but this one has the minimum of assumptions.
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